Age Calculator

Age Calculator

Age calculator will help you to calculate your age within few seconds.

Your Age is:
Enter Current Date:
Date of Birth:

Age calculator

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Date Formats

For US and Europe dates formatting use a forward slash (/), a period (.), or a dash (-):

Age calculator method:

Most western countries use this age system.In this system, age grows at the birthday.For example, the age of a person that has lived for 4 years and 11 months is 3 and the age will turn to 5 at his/her next birthday one month later.


It has many uses like

School Admission
If you want to admit your baby to any school you can calculate the age of your child and then go to school.So calculating your exact age also good for admission purpose in a school,

Government job
if you applying in government ,you have to know your exact age because there is lots of sector in government job which has its age limits.

Wedding Time
calculating your exact age is also important in wedding time because it’s important to know what is your age and what is your partner so for that reason this website is good for you.